Rapid Lentivirus Titration XpressCard

Rapid Lentivirus Titration XpressCard is a quick immunoassay to check lentivirus titers.
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LentiGuard® (200 ul), LenG-1-200ul

LentiGuard® is a new product developed to preserve functional lentivirus titer during freeze-thaw cycles.
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Non-integrating Lentivirus Packaging System

Non-integrating lentivirus combines the advantages of efficient transduction of most mammalian cells and transient transduction of foreign DNA, is specifically useful for experi
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Lentiviral Cloning Vectors

Lentiviral Cloning Vectors
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ViroGold Lentivirus Concentrator

Lentivirus concentration is one of the critical factors to which the titer and purity of final lentivirus stock is subjected. Unsuccessful concentration of lentivirus results in…
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EZ-Transfx Transfection Reagent(1 ml),500 rxns

EZ-TransfxTM transfection reagent is a highly efficient, easy-to-use transfection reagent for delivery plasmid DNA into eukaryotic cells. EZ-TransfxTM is a sterile solution of a…
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EZ-LentiPACK Lentivirus Packaging System

Lentiviral packaging is the most critical step for generating high titer of  lentivirus. EZ-LentiPACK is an optimized and ready-to use packaging system for the production of the…
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Lentiviral Cancer Related Genes

Lentiviral Cancer Related Genes
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Rapid Lentivirus Titration Cassette, 5*4 X LentiTitre Cassette

Rapid Lentivirus Titration Cassette ( LentiTitre) is a multi-lane lentivirus titration kit for rapid and accurate estimation of the functional lentivirus titres in less than 10…
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